Business Fire Insurance | Kurnia Insurance

Business Fire Insurance

About this product

Fire can devastate a business. It can severely damage premises and destroy expensive equipment. Protecting your business with fire insurance lets you rebuild or repair damages quickly, bounce back and get back to being profitable as soon as possible.

The Basic Policy

Covers damage or loss of your residential or commercial building and its contents due to fire, lightning, explosions, smoke and more.

You Will Be Reimbursed For

Furniture, renovations, equipment, machinery, stocks in trade, rent loss, personal effects, debris removal and more.


Based on a standard fire tariff rate prescribed by PIAM and is affected by the class of construction of the building, trade carried out at the premise and sum insured.


The Building Cost Calculator (BCC) is intended to be used as a guide to help you in determining the estimated sum insured for your residential property, shop house or shop office.
You are advised to review the sum insured to provide for the actual cost of rebuilding, including any renovation and inflation to avoid underinsurance.
Please click HERE to visit PIAM's website for the BCC calculator as your reference.

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