Car Tips | Kurnia Insurance


how to be safe on the road

How to Be a Safe Driver with Top Tips for Accident-Free Driving

| 10038450

You may be accustomed to driving, but you should ensure that driving safely also becomes second nature to you.

For instance, if you’re in a hurry and need to reach the destination immediately, you may disregard the safety of yourself and…Continue Reading

basic car maintenance tips

Drive with Confidence: Master the Art of Conventional Car Maintenance

| 10038450

Regular maintenance isn't just a suggestion—it's your car's lifeline.

Also, imagine gliding on the road worry-free as your well-tended vehicle responds with purring precision. That's the power of proactive upkeep.

Yet, like many…Continue Reading

microsleep while driving

Understanding Microsleep While Driving: A Comprehensive Guide

| 10038450

Have you ever lost focus or felt your eyelids droop when doing something mundane or repetitive like driving, staring at a computer or working on a machine?

You may look like you’re awake, but certain parts of your brain have switched off…Continue Reading

driving in the rain

Driving in the Rain: Safety Tips for Every Motorist

| 10038450

Tropical storms are common in Malaysia, and they can range from heavy downpours to light sprinkles, which can be a hassle for road users.

Driving in the rain can be a challenge even if you are an experienced driver, as the roads tend to…Continue Reading

malaysian driving license

The Complete Guide to Renewing Your Driving License in Malaysia

| 10038450

Do you have an expired or about-to-expire driving license?

It is illegal to drive a private vehicle without a valid license or with an expired license in Malaysia. So it is crucial to make sure that your license is up-to-date. Luckily,…Continue Reading

car accident

The 10 Most Common Causes of Road Accidents in Malaysia & How to Prevent Them

| 10038450

Road accidents have been increasing steadily in Malaysia over the last few years, despite numerous efforts by the authorities to improve safety.


Road Accident Statistics

The Ministry of Transport …Continue Reading

passing the key for new car

Buying a Car in Malaysia? Here are 11 Things to Consider

| 10038450

Buying a car involves a lot of decisions, especially if you're a first-time buyer, and it doesn't end when you buy one. Car buyers spend a lot of time conducting research, which can take weeks or even months.


The…Continue Reading

car accident

What to Do When You are Involved in a Car Accident

| 10038450

Malaysian roads are fraught with accidents, and even if you drive carefully, there will always be someone driving recklessly and endangering others.


For this reason, the Malaysian government enacted the…Continue Reading