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> Houseowner / Householder Insurance Claims > Overview

Houseowner / Householder Insurance Claims


What is a Houseowner / Householder Insurance Claims?

A Houseowner claim is towards damages sustained to your house structure including the walls, roof, fixtures and fittings, garages, gates and fences caused by an insured peril, while the Householder claim is towards your house contents like household goods, personal effects and other moveable possessions.


Who can make a Houseowner / Householder Insurance Claim?

Only a valid Policyholder.

How To Make A Claim?

Early notification is required to avoid any prejudice to your claim.

  • Submit your claim to Liberty General Insurance with the details of the incident and extent of damages
  • Adjusters will be assigned to inspect and investigate the loss if deemed necessary
  • Provide all the relevant supporting information and documentations as requested to enable assessment of your claim.

If you need to make minor repairs, like replacing the front door to prevent further break-in, you should proceed with this immediately and ensure to provide us with the photographs of the damages before and after repairs together with the repair bills as part of your claim.

For claim on contents you are advised to retain the damaged items for our inspection, if necessary.

What Are The Supporting Documents? 

a) Fire damage

  • Duly completed Claim Form.
  • Fire Brigade Report
  • Technical report detailing the cause, extent and nature of damage
  • Historical Purchase Invoice of the damaged items
  • Replacement / Repair invoice/ quotation with detailed breakdown
  • Photographs of the damaged items


b) Break-in

  • Duly completed Claim Form.
  • Copy of Police Report
  • Historical Purchase Invoice of the damaged / stolen items
  • Replacement / Repair invoice/ quotation with detailed breakdown
  • Photographs depicting the point of break-in to the premises and area where the stolen items were placed.

General FAQ


1. What are the losses covered under a Houseowner / Householder insurance?
i.    Fire, Lightning, Thunderbolt, Subterranean Fire
ii.    Explosion
iii.    Aircraft and Other Arial Devices and / or articles dropped therefrom
iv.    Impact with any of the buildings:

  • For private Dwellings, by any road vehicle or animals not belonging to or under the control of you or your family member
  • For Block of Flats or Apartments, by any road vehicles or animals not belonging to or under the control of you; or your agent or servant; or Any person resident on the Private flats or Apartments.

v.    Bursting or Overflowing of domestic Water Tanks, Apparatus or Pipes
vi.    Theft, but only if accompanied by actual forcible and violent breaking into or out of a building or any such attempt
vii.    Hurricane, cyclone, typhoon, windstorm
viii.    Earthquake, volcanic eruption
ix.    Flood


2. What is covered under a Houseowner and a Householder policy separately? 
i.    Houseowner - Covers "Your Buildings" means building of a Private Dwelling House at the Premises and includes:-

  • All domestic offices, stables;
  • Garages and outbuildings on the same premises used solely in connection to it and on the same premises;
  • Fixtures and fittings;
  • Wall, gates and fences around the premises.

ii.     Householder - Covers "Your Contents", means Household goods and personal effects of every description, belonging to you or any member of your family normally residing with you contained in the Private Dwelling House, Flat or Apartment and all domestic offices, stables, garages and outbuildings, used solely in connection to it, on the same premises specified in the schedule.


3. What to do immediately after a loss? 

If your property has been damaged, here are the steps you should take:
i.    Make a list of the items and take photographs of the damaged items. 
ii.    Contact Liberty General Insurance to lodge a claim
iii.    To lodge a police report immediately after the discovery (in the event of a break-in)
iv.    Check with Liberty General Insurance if it is covered before authorizing/commencing with any remedial/repair work
v.    Upon insurer's approval, you may proceed with the repair work


4. If water tank or pipe burst and the water which flows into premises causes damages to my house contents, can I claim for all the repair and replacement costs incurred?
The policy will cover for the resultant damages which means, damage caused by the accidental water discharged due to the bursting. However, the cost to replace or repair the water tank / pipe / plumbing systems/ cost incurred to trace the source of leakage is not claimable. 

5. If my property's roofing were damaged during a windstorm, am I covered?
Yes, you are covered for the damages to the roof, ONLY if the building is insured under the policy.

6. Can I cover my jewellery under Houseowner / Householder insurance? 
Yes. In the event of a claim, the policy will pay five (5) percent of the Total Sum Insured for each item. The total payable value of jewellery (platinum, gold and silver articles) shall not exceed one third (1/3) of the total Sum Insured on Contents.

7. What is the meaning of Reinstatement Value Basis and Indemnity Basis?
a) Reinstatement Value Basis : 
Cost of repairing damages without any deductions for wear and tear or depreciation excluding any improvement / betterment features (provided that the sum insured is adequate to cover the total cost of repair) based on policy terms and conditions. 

b) Indemnity Basis : 
Cost of repairing damages after deduction for wear and tear or depreciation.


8. What is underinsurance?
Being underinsured can be extremely costly and stressful if you lose your home.  If the value of the property is higher than the sum insured - this is known as "underinsurance". Why? 
In the event of a loss, you will not be paid the full repair cost, e.g.

  •     Repair cost    = RM1,000.00
  •     Sum insured    = RM10,000.00
  •     Value at risk    = RM15,000.00

Formula to calculate claim payable:

  • Sum insured: RM10,000.00        x     Loss:    RM1,000.00    =    RM666.67
  • Value at Risk: RM15,000.00

Thus, make sure that your property is adequately insured at all times, and include the cost of renovations and enhancements made to your property.